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Restaurant Ordering Printing Wifi Thermal Printer Compatible With GPRS SMS
The Wifi Thermal Printer GT5000SW is the printer that is compatible with Wifi, GPRS, SMS, USSD, STK. It can receive remote info. from Mobile APP or website, and print out automatically.

User can DIY logo, printed receipt format, etc.

The Wifi Thermal Printer is versatile and customizable.
The Wifi Thermal Printer can be connected with the scanner to scan barcode / QR code.
Can be customized to support NFC reader.

It works with sim card for SMS and GPRS communication mode.
For SMS, it can either take SMS from mobiles or receive remote info sent from web server which was generated by the SMS gateaway.

For GPRS, it communicates with the web server directly based on the http or https protocol.
Besides, it supports WIFI connectivity. User can simply select and connect with wlan network through menu.

How it works for car parking ticket printing?

It's highly customizable according to customer's requirement. Basically:
-When the car is entering the parking lot, the attendant type license number and other into on the ticketing machine, then prints receipt with bar code/qr code for the car owner;
-Before he's leaving, the ticketing machine scans the bar code/ qr code, auto calculates the payment, then prints the payment receipt out, the car owner will then pay accordingly to the attendant.

Podano cenę netto. Możliwość wystawienia faktury VAT.

Zastrzegam sobie możliwość wycofania oferty w dowolnym momencie ponieważ przedmiot oferowany jest również na innych serwisach.

Preferowany odbiór osobisty w Gdańsku, lub Sopocie. W przypadku zakupów z wysyłką proszę o przesłanie wiadomości z zapotrzebowaniem, potwierdzę dostępność, wycenię przesyłkę i wskażę konto do przelewu.

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Oferta: 7d91db77-de5a-487d-a74a-8354bdf7f4b8

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