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152 str. + CD

To become fluent in the language of jazz and music in general, musicians must develop equality of all twelve keys. The goal of this book is not only to provide a reference for learning chord fingerings, but to offer a daily practice routine to increase the guitarist's vocabulary of chords. This book will provide a clear cut path to learning all the inversions of seventh chords by using the two main building blocks of jazz harmony: major and minor ii-V-I chord progressions. The accompanying tracks include backup audio to 10 jazz standards to allow guitarists to apply their new chord vocabulary.

Stan Bardzo dobry
Tytuł Hal Leonard's Jazz Guitar Chord Thesaurus
Wydawnictwo Hal Leonard
Język publikacji angielski
Zgłoś naruszenie zasad
Oferta: bdc4142d-b336-41af-861d-f578f8829ba8

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