O przedmiocie

Scotts Steering Stabilizer Only. - Off Road or Dual Sport Version.

Removed off my KTM 790 Adventure before motorcycle was sold.

Was only fitted to motorcycle for one trip, item has had minimal use and is practically brand new.

Mounting assembly to suit KTM 790/890 Adventure or Norden 901 is for sale separately (even though shown in photos)

Scott's damper (or sometimes wrongly referred to as dampener) with your choice of linkage arm.

What is a Scotts Steering Stabilizer?

It is a compact, fully adjustable, hydraulic shock absorbing damper, that mounts to the steering head area right above or under the handlebar. It helps control the natural tendency of the <em>“left to right”</em> front end movements known as <em>“head shake”</em> on a motorcycle.


  1. Stabilizing the front end means more precise steering.

  2. Eliminates or significantly reduces that sudden "thrust-effect” of having the handlebars pulled from your hands after unknowingly hitting something unforeseen like rocks, tree roots, rain ruts and potholes.

  3. Helps to minimize rider fatigue and the dreaded “arm-pump” situation that occurs while wrestling the front end of your bike, especially in rougher terrain and specially on sand.

  4. It dramatically reduces the unwanted phenomenon known as "Head-shake" that is commonly found on ALL off-road production motorcycles and especially predominant on road bikes. On the pavement once you let off the throttle and the front end dives, that “wobble” sensation from increased head angles is reduced by installing the damper on your bike. This is more predominant now a-days due to the steeper head angles you find on production bikes.

  5. It helps keep your motorcycle going straight in the whoops, reduces head shake approaching turns, and smoothest out those rough sections by preventing those handlebar wrenching jolts.

Stan Bardzo dobry
Producent Scott
Jakość części (zgodnie z GVO) O - oryginał z logo producenta pojazdu (OE)
Numer katalogowy części SCOTTS-DAMPER-WITH-4032-48
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