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Sheng Puerh (Raw)
Sheng Puer Dehun Da Ye Qiao Mu (Big Tree from Dehun), 400g., 2006
Aged sheng puerh from trees combining all shades of brown. Large leaves with cuttings are not tightly pressed and easily disassembled by hand. On warming with the breath a rich complex aroma of wood, mushroom, dried fruit and Yanjiaowei (smoky charred smell). The 94° water gives a copper infusion. Sour green tones, a little medicinal and smoky tones were added to the aroma. The taste is slightly rough, full, complex. Unobtrusive acidity of mint, lime, chamomile, a little black rowan. Light bitterness of stale leaves, tree resin, smoky smokiness and eucalyptus. The sweetness is highlighted by dates, prunes and hay. In the aftertaste, a pleasant bitterness flows into the equally pleasant sweetness of dried fruit. The state definitely changed, the mind calmed down, the body became warm and comfortable, the strength increased, and the eyes began to notice things that they did not pay attention to before.

Selling half a pancake (200gr.) from personal collection.
Year: 2006
Temperature: 80-96°C
ratio per 100 ml.: 4g.
Teaware: Porcelain, Clay

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