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„Usborne Storybook Reading Library” zestaw 30 książek w j.angielskim 

„Usborne Storybook Reading Library” to zestaw 30 książek do nauki i doskonalenia umiejętności czytania w języku angielskim.

Każda z książek posiada kod QR z nagraniami audio!

Biblioteczka podzielona jest na 3 poziomy zaawansowania:

Level 1 Beginner Reader:

Beauty and the Beast


The Emperor And The Nightingale

The Emperor’s New Clothes

The Gingerbread Man

Little Red Riding Hood

Puss In Boots

Sleeping Beauty

Snow White

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

Level 2 Developing Reader:


Alice in Wonderland

Arthur and the Sword in the Stone

The Little Mermaid

The Phantom of the Opera


Robin Hood and the Silver Arrow

The Snow Queen

The Wind in the Willows

The Wooden Horse

Level 3 Confident Reader:

A Midsummer Night’s Dream



Great Expectations

The Hound of the Baskervilles

Oliver Twist

Romeo and Juliet

The Jungle Book

Treasure Island

The Wizard of Oz

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Waga produktu z opakowaniem jednostkowym 3 kg
Marka Usborne
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Oferta: 626a0da9-43a1-411c-9094-b504f3300d02

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